Pesto Rolls rolling out of the oven at Boothieville, brimming with toasted mozzarella cheese, garlic, basil and onion

Monday, April 12, 2010

Here is a view of Winco

 I heard somewhere that WinCo stands for Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Colorado, and Oregon, but that is just hearsay.  Maybe it means I'm a winner if I shop there, I always feel like it.

There is the sign that greets me.

Lots of long aisles!  Full of good prices.  I met a nice young Italian woman who has recently come to WSU as a grad student.  She was having her first WinCo experience..."such a big store," she said.  Well, she is in America now, the land of big stores.  Her name was Laura, pronounced the Italian way---Lauw rah---and we had a very nice visit as she learned how to used the bulk food section of the store.  This was one of my favorite experiences of the weekend.

Annie came with me to the WinCo.  We purchased some rolled oats and some gravy mixes.

We also bought some lentils.  I love the red chief lentils, because their beautiful color makes them look more palatable.  Lentils are grown right in the area of Washington State University, in the Palouse.  It is the self proclaimed lentil capital of the world.

We bought some bread flour and yeast in bulk, so the boys could make pizza for the moms they had invited to their house for Saturday night dinner.

I didn't buy any candy this time, but that stack says pinata fixings to me...

Annie loves fresh peanut butter.  And it is so fun to use the machine and make your own!

Here is the place where WinCo saves money so they can keep prices low.  There are no box boys.  Everyone has to bag up their own groceries.

Our cart was filled with good food to bring to my college kids and to my home.

I'll post the history of this last weekend's food experiences at some when I get back from picking up my Noah boy from kindergarten.

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