Pesto Rolls rolling out of the oven at Boothieville, brimming with toasted mozzarella cheese, garlic, basil and onion

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day 52 is a very special day, with generous children

This little pitcher has special significance.  It holds a fund raised by my children for special occasions.  The kids have been checking under couch cushions, holding little "bazaars" to sell each other their treasures, and fund-raising in creative ways to fill this pitcher with coins. 

They decided to give me the money to spend on Easter.  I must say that I underestimated the importance of this money.  Not wanting to waste the children's fund on Easter treats which I was already planning to buy myself, I didn't use the money.  Really, I didn't need it. 

What I didn't realize is that I needed to accept that money.  The little ones were very hurt that I came back from the store and the money was still in the pitcher.  Those were coins of love and sacrifice, their precious savings, a gift.  And I had unthinkingly rejected their gift, and their heart of giving.

Well, I felt pretty bad about it.  Christiana was especially disappointed.  I hadn't really looked at it in the way it was meant, you see.  It wasn't just ten dollars.  It was everything they had to offer. This touched my heart.  Just thinking about it touches me again.  So I decided to make amends, and today's meal reflects my attempts at making a special event with their money.  Their own little "Babette's Feast."  Even though it is not actually Easter, this is my children's special Easter dinner, which we didn't have on the day.

Of course, it was a regular school day, so I shopped while Noah was at kindergarten.  

This is the pitcher which holds the "fund."

This is "The Fund."  It added up to $10.30.

Christiana eating lunch with classmates (she is in green stripes) at the school cafeteria.

We are eating a Ranger chicken tonight, although not the whole thing.  It will be divided into several meals.

Noah is walking to the van after kindergarten at lunch time.  It was windy, and his coat was a "cape."

I stopped to take a picture of this beautiful field of wildflowers on the way home, next to the gas station.

Noah was so taken with the flowers that he said, "I just have to run in that purple field, Mama."  I wasn't in a hurry, and so, why not?!  The joy de vivre.  He didn't know I was taking his picture.

Experiencing the flowers.

The full body experience, rolling in the field.  He did smell, after that.  Unfortunately the odor is nothing to shout about.

Today was violin lesson day, but after lessons we had our beautiful meal, this time more healthy, too, and colorful.  Christiana really wanted watermelon for Easter, and I found one for only $2.28.  Small, but a watermelon nonetheless.  I also found pineapple for $1.98 and bought 2. Asparagus season has come, so it was affordable, too.  Strawberries were only $1.25 per package, so I added that to the menu.  Mushrooms were only $1.98/lb, so 2 lbs were added to the feast. 

"Chicken and dumplings" is a favorite meal here at Boothieville, so I put the Ranger on to boil.  I boned it later, and had broth for cooking the dumplings.  I used only one fourth of the chicken meat, and so for the daily pricing I will divide the cost of the whole chicken by four.  The rest of the meat portions, plus much of the broth, is in the refrigerator for another day.

Rodger sliced up the fresh pineapples.  The even the smell was delicious.

The baby watermelon was a good juicy, sweet one.  Delightful.

We had only 4 asparagus spears each, but with butter and salt, they made a treat.

Chicken and dumplings!  Yum.  I chopped the chicken meat and added it to a pint of leftover gravy from Saturday's meal.  I poured the chicken and gravy over the dumplings.

Sliced strawberries, which the children ate with their pineapple.

Mushrooms.  I am a hobbit, and fried mushrooms is pretty much on the top of my favorite food list.

A small sampling of the cuisine.

Emily is passing around the pineapple.

We forgot to dish up the other kettle of dumplings!  Just as supper was getting over, we discovered our mistake, and everyone came back for another go-round.  That made 6 dumplings each, except 5 for the littles.

I had another bottle of Knudsen's sparkling apple juice which I had purchased for $1.25 at New Year's, so we whipped it out and poured it into goblets to complete the atmosphere of a really special, fancy meal. 

The goblets are actually inexpensive glasses, goodwill and yard-sale style, but that doesn't detract from their beauty. And besides, that way we are not afraid to use them, and nobody cries if one gets broken.

The children seemed satisfied about the use of their money.  It was a good event, and hopefully I have redeemed myself, and shown a proper regard for their caring and loving  Easter gift.  I do feel better.  I love my children.

Today actually began with a bit of an emergency.  Not a real emergency, but a food emergency.  I forgot to get milk last night!  So when we reached into the fridge for the milk for cold cereal, we were in for a change of plans.  Not enough milk for cereal.  And the grocery store wasn't open I pulled out my emergency rations.  I had been saving them for just such an eventuality.

It was instant oatmeal.  The kind that says, "just add boiling water."  I had bought  it at one of Albertson's 10 for $10 sales, so the whole box cost only a dollar, and there were 10 packets in the box.  Instant oatmeal is a bit pathetic, but fast.  We ate it and the children hurried out the door to the bus.

breakfast menu:  instant oatmeal, tea with milk
Cost:  $1.25
10 packets maple-flavored instant oatmeal:  1.00
2 cups milk for tea:  .25

sack lunch menu:  beef and gravy over brown rice, carrot sticks, orange slices
Cost:  $4.02
4 cups brown rice:  .92
1 lb roast beef, cut into strips:  1.59
1 tbsp oil for frying beef:  .03
2 oz beef gravy mix:  .30
1/2 cup flour for thickening:  .05
1 tsp onion porder for gravy:  .03
1 tbsp beef soup base flavor:  .13
16 oz carrots:  .27
4 oranges @ .39/lb:  .70

snack:  bananas and milk
Cost:  $1.55
3 lbs bananas @ .42/lb:  1.26
2 cups milk:  .25
sugar:  .04

special dinner menu: chicken and dumplings, steamed asparagus, fried mushrooms, pineapple, watermelon, strawberries, and sparkling cider
Cost:  $16.94
1/4 veg fed, free range, no antibiotics chicken:  1.39
double batch dumplings:  1.32
1 pint leftover gravy, already paid for on Saturday
1.1 lb asparagus:  1.38
1 small watermelon:  2.28
2 pineapples:  3.98
1 lb strawberries:  1.25
2 lb mushrooms:  3.96
1 bottle sparkling cider:  1.25

A healthy and mouthwatering finish to the day.  Expensive, I know, but I am using $10.30 of the children's Easter fund, plus I will have to use some of my slush fund money.  If you don't know about that, you can click here to find the post in which I added up my 10for10for10 slush fund.

Today's total bill:  $23.76

I'm still over the 10 dollar limit, so I will have to use $3.46 from my slush fund to cover today's expenses.  Hooray for scrimping.  I have money in my budget to cover it. 

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