Pesto Rolls rolling out of the oven at Boothieville, brimming with toasted mozzarella cheese, garlic, basil and onion

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 36, I teach, we eat Annie's pizza, and prepare the garden for planting

Look how the rhubarb has grown since the blog started?  Remember that early picture?

While I was gone teaching, Annie helped the children make my bread dough into pizza, which we all ate for supper when I returned.  Nice sister.  Tasty food. 

It looks darker than usual, because it is whole wheat.  When you have a fifty pound bag of whole wheat flour, you eat a lot of whole wheat bread...

She made a little one for Sarah and me, sans tomato sauce.

Here are some cinnamon dipped creations.

This bear has a big nose and big belly button.  Those body parts got eaten while still hot.

I was informed that this bear is carrying her purse, which also got eaten.  Purse snatchers around here...

 The kids are pretty excited about planting a garden.  I decided not to rent a rototiller this year, so we have been using up some calories hoeing it in preparation.

The younger ones have asked for their own garden plots, so we have divied up one side of the garden space for private vegetable gardens.  The rest will be communal, like years previous. 

 Excitement runs high.  They have rummaged through the seeds we already have, and we'll pick up some more soon.

We seem to eat lightly and simply on Sundays.  I remember that as a child we always had big Sunday dinners after church.  How do you eat on Sundays?  How about growing up, what did your family do for meals when you were a child?  I'm  curious.

Here's our eating today:

 breakfast menu:  life cereal or oatmeal squares, milk
Cost:  $2.10
cereal:  1.00
half gallon milk:  1.10

lunch menu:  potato salad with bacon and eggs
Cost:  $3.98
1 lb bacon:  1.99
10 eggs:  .60
6 lbs potatoes, boiled:  .60
milk for the potato salad:  .20
1/4 cup mayonaise:  .15
1/2 of a large stalk of celery, chopped:  .38
onion powder:  .05
salt:  .01

snack:  bread sticks, tea, milk
Cost:  $.85
bread sticks:  .33
milk for tea:  .52

supper menu:  pizza
Cost:  $3.98
whole wheat bread dough:  .99
cheese:  .8 lb:  2.20
tomato sauce, 1 small can:  .25
1/2 cube butter:  .13
spices:  .20

Today's total, with 11 people:  $10.70, we did ok.

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